Oasis Vein

Are you experiencing any of these Vein Conditions?

If you have any of the symptoms below, please contact our vein clinic to schedule a consultation.

  • Swelling of the legs and ankles

  • Restless legs

  • Leg aching, cramping, heaviness

  • Leg discoloration, ulcers or sores

  • Leg discomfort that increases after long periods of sitting or standing

  • Varicose veins or spider veins

  • Swollen, tender or unsightly veins on the hands, forearms or feet

  • Swollen, tender or unsightly veins on the chest or breasts

  • Presence of abnormal veins on the face

Risk Factors for Vein Disease

Family History

Genetics play a factor in your chances of developing venous insufficiency. Studies show if you have one parent with varicose veins, your risk of developing them goes up by 40 percent. If both your parents have them, your risk can rise to up to 90 percent.


Research suggests that vein disease affects more than 25 percent of women and 15 percent of men. That means approximately 40 percent of the population has vein disease.


Pregnancy increases the amount of blood in a woman’s body. This puts extra strain on her circulatory system. Research has also shown that hormone levels during pregnancy cause the blood vessels to relax which makes the valves more prone to reflux. As the uterus grows, additional pressure on the vessels in the pelvic region can lead to varicose veins.

Occupation & Lifestyle

Research studies suggest that people who have jobs or lifestyle where they sit or stand for long periods of time have an increased risk for developing varicose veins. While you are sitting or standing, blood does not flow as easily from the extremities (your legs) to your heart. Teachers, nurses, truck drivers, factory workers, customer services employees and others with similar occupations are especially at risk.


Extra body fat puts pressure on the walls of the veins requiring them to work harder to recirculate blood from your legs back to your heart. This can put increased pressure on your valves, making them more prone to reflux.


While people in their 20’s and 30’s can develop vein disease, it is not as common as in those over 40. Varicose veins affect 1 out of 2 people over the age of 50. Why? Aging causes wear and tear on the valves in your veins and that wear can cause the valves to allow blood to flow back into the veins, where it collects. The vein walls lose their elasticity and eventually, the insufficient valves and loss of elasticity cause the pooling of the blood within the vein. The pressure from the pooled blood often creates discolored blood vessels that are visible through your skin enlarged, bulging veins.

Consultation and Diagnosing Vein Disease

During your consultation, Dr. Mehta and his staff will take the time to listen to your concerns and ask about what signs or symptoms you are experiencing.  You will not be rushed or made to feel like just another name on a patient chart.

We understand your time is valuable and that is why we are often able to offer same day, in-office ultrasounds to evaluate you for venous condtion. We also offer tele-health visits for you to attend from the comfort of your own home or office. Most insurances cover this and we will verify with your plan prior to your appointment

Our experienced technician will perform a thorough venous ultrasound exam, if indicated. A venous ultrasound is a painless study that uses sound waves to produce images of internal venous structures. Measurements of your veins will be taken and the blood flow examined to determine if you have abnormal vein conditions.

Dr. Mehta will review your ultrasound results with you personally and clearly explain your treatment options. He will partner with you to create an individualized care plan to treat your veins.

At Oasis Vein and Vitality, we offer the most up to date and minimally invasive treatment options for Varicose Veins and other types of Venous abnormalities.

  • VenaSeal™ is made by Medtronic, a reputable scientific company and it is one of the newest technologies on the market. However, the substance in VenaSeal™ (cyanoacrylate glue) has been used in the medical field for a long time and has a well-established safety record. It is the only non-tumescent, non-thermal, non-sclerosant procedure performed to close the vein.

    During the procedure, ultrasound will be used to identify the unhealthy vein and the doctor will gently numb the entry point on your leg where he will gain access to the vein. A small catheter will be inserted into your vein using ultrasound guidance to visualize the tip of the catheter and ensure it is in the correct area of the vein that needs to be treated. Then, the doctor will slowly inject VenaSeal™ into the vein which causes it to shut down as it essentially is “glued” to itself. The solution will seal the diseased vein closed, re-routing blood flow to healthier veins and improve your circulation. Your symptoms will start to resolve and you can get back to having comfort in your legs!

  • Radiofrequency ablation or RFA is procedure that uses a tiny device that generates heat energy by producing high intensity sound waves. It is a safe and effective treatment option for vein disease. It has replaced procedures such as vein stripping which is more invasive, painful and has longer recovery time.

    During the procedure, ultrasound will be used to identify the unhealthy vein and the doctor will gently numb the entry point on your leg where he will gain access to the vein. A tiny device that is capable of producing heat will be carefully inserted into the diseased vein. The doctor will surround the vein with a protective numbing fluid called tumescent. The inserted device is activated and delivers heat to the walls of the vein. The heat causes the vein to collapse and seal closed. Overtime, the treated vein will be reabsorbed by the body. Since blood flow gets re-routed to nearby healthy veins, your circulation will become more efficient and your symptoms will improve.

  • Varithena™ is a cutting-edge micro-foam that is approved by the FDA for the treatment of leg vein disease and it is a non-surgical procedure. It has been demonstrated to have consistent effectiveness in treating venous insufficiency. Varithena™ improves both the physical symptoms related to varicose veins as well as their appearance so you can regain comfort and confidence in your legs!

    During the procedure, ultrasound will be used to identify the unhealthy vein and the doctor will gently numb the entry point on your leg where he will gain access to the vein. Using a very small catheter or sometimes by direct injection, the doctor will administer the desired amount of Varithena™ into the malfunctioning vein. The micro-foam then treats the vein wall and causes the diseased portion of the vein to collapse. As the micro-foam comes in contact with blood in nearby healthy veins, it disperses and blood flow is redirected. Better circulation means less symptoms and more comfort.

  • Phlebectomy is a procedure to remove varicose veins that are just under the surface of the skin through small incisions. It is a minimally invasive treatment option and does not require sutures or lengthy downtime. This technique is performed in the clinic and has a 90% long-term success rate.

    During the procedure your leg will be cleaned and the veins needing to be removed will be marked with a surgical pen. The doctor will inject a numbing medication around the area where the incisions will be made with a small scalpel and the veins are exposed using tiny hook instrument. The veins will then be removed in segments. Stitches are typically not required and the incisions are so small they will either heal on their own or steri-strips will be applied over them.

  • Sclerotherapy is the process of injecting a medical agent called a sclerosant into a vein. It is often the treatment of choice to eliminate small varicose and spider veins as it is well-proven and has been used since the 1930’s. When performed by an experienced provider like Dr. Mehta, sclerotherapy is nearly painless, takes only 10-30 minutes (depending on the size of the area being treated) and there is no down time. Sclerotherapy approves the appearance of your legs by ridding them of visible veins and can help restore confidence in your legs!

    During the procedure, the affected area of your leg is identified and the doctor will inject the desired amount of sclerosant with a very fine needle directly into the vein. The chemical reaction caused by the sclerosant makes the walls of the vessels to “stick” together which results in their closure. With a little time, the veins will turn into scar tissue and will fade from view. Occasionally, more than one session is needed.

Dr. Mehta and the team at Oasis Vein and Vitality are committed to helping you regain comfort and confidence in your legs. We don’t just want your legs to feel better, we want you to feel better about your legs!

Schedule your consultation to get your legs feeling and looking better today!

Before and After Varicose and Spider Vein Treatments